Rabu, 11 Februari 2015

Long-Legged Lee Jong Suk Appeared in GuangZhou。 Self Claimed to be Attracted to Mature Girls.

Long-legged “oppa”, Lee Jong Suk, quickly rose to fame due to Korea’s SBS drama, Pinocchio. He recently held a fan meeting in the Zhong Shan Remembrance Hall(?), which initiated a series of fan meetings all over China.
In regards to his sudden rise in popularity, Lee Jong Suk felt as if “the happiness came too suddenly.” During the interview, Lee Jong Suk often came off as an introvert who spoke very little and was very shy. But when asked what his ideal type is, he openly admitted that he likes girls who are smart and can give him advice: “Being pretty is a plus, but beauty alone is not enough. So its best that she’s smart. I like girls who can advise me.”
Lee Jong Suk acted as a handsome reporter in Pinocchio. There were many family scenes in the drama. The drama script would often read, “his eyes sparkled with tears,” but Lee Jong Suk would often cry from the beginning to the end. When this was brought up, Lee Jong Suk embarrassingly smiled and replied, “When you’re acting, it’s crucial that you are really into the character. Because I cried so much in the drama, I’ve become really sensitive in real life recently.” He looked very shy when he said that. “But being sensitive is not synonymous to being weak. I haven’t met any hurdles in my life and it has been very typical.  So I wouldn’t cry that easily,” he added.
Eng Trans By:  aznfantizie 

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